Map of Moldova  "Moldova Road Atlas & Topo"

We would like to present you the digital/vector map of the Republic of Moldova, having a high-detail level,
àutomatic routing, and an extensive address search database.


1,688 settlements (cities and villages), 42 thousand kilometers of a comprehensive network of
roads and streets (
of which 10.3 thousand km of major highways, principal and arterial roads),
railway paths, forest and parks areas (4.5 thousand sq. km), lakes and rivers (636 sq. km),
orchards and vineyards (3.8 thousand sq. km),
height contours (10m interval), 7,720 elevation spots, and others.

Address search up to the street name is available in 450 settlements,
of which 77 have full address search up to the house numbers (point addressing).
All 1,688 settlements have street network drawn.

The map also displays 35,780 points of interest (POIs): hotels, places to eat, shops,
pharmacies, hospitals, schools, banks, enterprises, services, gas stations,
bus and rail stations, parkings, various tourist attractions, museums, parks, natural reservations,
geographical objects, historical and archeological monuments, monasteries/churches, resorts,
as well as state institutions, Customs posts and other.

The users can search for settlements, including the address search, and also search for POIs.

A detailed statistics of all points of interest, as well as exhaustive information
about the level of detail in cities covered, can be found below:

detailed cartography for Moldova's settlements

January 20, 2012 - media coverage: article in weekly newspaper Ekonomicheskoe Obozrenie
Logos Press about GPS in Moldova,
featuring our map -details


August 22, 2008 - media coverage: Pro TV story about GPS in Moldova presenting our map in action - details

Map screenshots

City search, by name

Older map screenshots

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